Top 8 Online Courses For Data Analytics

Top 8 Online Courses For Data Analytics



Data Analytics is a part of Data Science and the rise of this sector, however, there will be huge job postings that will be much more for the young aspirants who are looking for a job to boost their career.

The demand of this sector will continue to grow so with the right knowledge and skills and you can gain amazing opportunities in these data sectors

No Matter you have experienced in Data Science Courses or you have learned from somewhere because, in this article, I will show you Top 8 Online Courses for Data Analytics that are trending now However if you are looking for Best Video Editor then you must know What is Camtasia Studio?. So without wasting any time let us all get started.

List of Top 8 Online Courses For Data Analytics

After Searching through many courses and articles we have selected these 8 best courses for data analytics to acquire knowledge and start your career.

1. Data Analysis With Pandas And Python – By Udemy

2Advanced Business Analytics Specialization: By Coursera

3. Beginner’s Guide to Data and Data Analytics: By SF Data School

4. Data Analytics for Lean Six Sigma: By University Of Amsterdam 

5. R Level 1 – Data Analytics with R: By Udemy

6. Big Data Specialization: BY UC San Diego

7. Data Analytics SQL For newbs, Beginners, and marketers: By Udemy

8. Advanced Business Analytics Specialization: By University of Colorado      Boulder

Must Read:

  1. Data Analysis with Pandas and Python: By udemy

Udemy Online Data Analytics Course

Data Analysis with Pandas and Python is the Top online Course for Data Analytics available on udemy. An excellent choice for both beginners and experts looking to expand their knowledge. It is one of the most popular Python libraries in the world!Data Analysis with Pandas and Python offers 19+ hours of in-depth video tutorials.

Also, it is the most powerful data analysis toolkit available today. If you’ve spent time in spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers, or Google Sheets and are eager to take your data analysis skills to the next level, this course is for you!

Data Analysis with Pandas and Python is bundled with dozens of data sets for you to use. Dive right in and follow along with their lessons to see how easy it is to get started with pandas!

Data analytics Course Details:

  • Duration: The course will take 20 hours to complete with full lifetime access and 4 download resources.
  • Course: The entire course is having 176 lectures
  • Price: INR 12,800 RS/-

Things you will learn In Data analytics Course:

  • Perform a multitude of data operations in Python’s popular “pandas” library including grouping, pivoting, joining and more!
  • Learn hundreds of methods and attributes across numerous pandas objects
  • Possess a strong understanding of manipulating 1D, 2D, and 3D data sets
  • Resolve common issues in broken or incomplete data sets

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  1. Advanced Business Analytics Specialization: By coursera

Coursera Data Analytics Course

This Online Top Data Science course will expose you to the data analytics practices executed in the business world. We will explore such key areas as the analytical process, how data is created, stored, accessed.  Also how the organization works with data and creates the environment in which analytics can flourish.

What you learn in this course will give you a strong foundation in all the areas that support analytics and will help you to better position yourself for success within your organization. You’ll develop skills and a perspective that will make you more productive faster also it allows you to become a valuable asset to your organization.

This course also provides a basis for going deeper into advanced investigative and computational methods, which you have an opportunity to explore in future courses of the Data Analytics for Business specialization.

Data analytics Course Details:

  • Duration: approx 18 hours to complete, 5 hours in a week.
  • Course: This entire course will take 4 weeks to complete
  • Price: FREE

Things you will learn in Data analytics Course:

  • Thinking about analytical problems and examine
  • Data enables analysis and decision making
  • Technologies enabling analytical work
  • Examining data storage and database
  • How to extract data using SQL
  • How organizational structure influences.

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  1. Beginner’s Guide to Data and Data Analytics: By SF Data School

SF Data School Data Analytics Course

This online top course for Data Science starts with an introduction to the world of data. From there you’ll delve deep into the differences between Data Analytics, Data Science, and Data Engineering. Also how each of these roles provides value in their own way. In addition, you’ll gather a deep understanding of the tools used by professionals

Next, you’ll learn about the technical processes that encompass the lineage of data. This section will enable you to internalize the concept of a Data Pipeline, and start building up a lexicon and literacy for how data moves from collection to analysis.

Finally, you’ll see a step-by-step learning roadmap to become a practitioner of Data Analytics. In this section, you’ll gain access to the recommended steps to take after this course, and career paths that are most relevant. 

Data analytics Course Details:

Duration: The course will take 2 hours to complete

  • Course: There are 9 lectures with 1 article and full lifetime access.
  • Price: INR 3,200 RS/-

Things you will learn in Data analytics Course:

  • Discover data tools – which are the most popular, how they work together,
  • Get a step-by-step learning roadmap to becoming a practitioner of Data Analytics
  • Learn the distinguishing factors between Data Analytics, Data Science, and Data Engineering
  • Demystify how data moves from collection to analysis
  • Learn to break down some of the data’s most prized concepts and terms

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  1. Data Analytics for Lean Six Sigma: By University Of Amsterdam

university of amsterdam Data Analytics Course

This online big data analytics course will help you to learn data analytics techniques that are typically useful within Lean Six Sigma improvement projects. At the end of this course, you are able to analyze and interpret data gathered within such a project.

You will be able to use Minitab to analyze the data. They will also briefly explain what Lean Six Sigma is.They will emphasize on use of data analytics tools and the interpretation of the outcome. Also, use many different examples from actual Lean Six Sigma projects to illustrate all tools.

However, data analytics tools are very widely applicable. So you will find that you will learn techniques that you can use in a broader setting apart from improvement projects.

Data analytics Course Details:

  • Duration: Approx 16 hours, 2-4 hours per week
  • Course: It will take 5 hours to complete this entire course
  • Price: FREE

Things you will learn in Data analytics Course:

  • How to Visualize Data
  • How to Select Appropriate Data
  • How to quantify uncertainty
  • How to model you CTQ and influence factor
  • How to establish a relationship between Numerical Y variable and categorical influence factors.

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  1. R Level 1 – Data Analytics with R: By Udemy

Udemy Online Data Analytics Course

 R Level is an amazing Online Data Analytics Course. In this course, your journey will start with the theoretical background of objects and data types. You will then learn how to handle the most common types of objects in R. Much emphasis is put on loops in R since this is a crucial part of statistical programming. It is also shown how the apply family of functions can be used for looping.

In the graphics section, you will learn how to create and tailor your graphs. Since the graphs interface is quite the same for all types of graphs, this will give you a solid foundation.

With the R Commander, you will also learn about an alternative to RStudio. Especially for classic hypothesis tests, the R Commander GUI can save you some time.

This Tutorial is the first step – your Level 1 – to R mastery.

Data analytics Course Details:

  • Duration: 9 hours
  • Course: 87 lectures with 4 articles and 16 downloadable resources.
  • Price: INR 10,880 RS/-

Things you will learn in Data analytics Course:

  • how the most common types of graphs can be produced with R base
  • you will get the necessary theoretical background for R
  • you will get fluent in the R programming language
  • you will get a good understanding of functions and loops in R
  • you will learn how to create and handle different types of objects

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  1. Big Data Specialization: BY UC San Diego

UC San Diego Data Analytics Course

Do you need to understand big data and how it will impact your business? This Online Data Analytics Course Specialization is for you. You will gain an understanding of what insights big data can provide through hands-on experience. Also with the tools and systems used by big data scientists and engineers.

Previous programming experience is not required! You will be guided through the basics of using Hadoop with MapReduce, Spark, Pig, and Hive. By following along with the provided code, you will experience how one can perform predictive modeling and leverage graph analytics to model problems.

This specialization will prepare you to ask the right questions about data, communicate effectively with data scientists, and do basic exploration of large, complex datasets. In the final Capstone Project, developed in partnership with data software company Splunk, you’ll apply the skills you learned to do basic analyses of big data.

Data analytics Course Details:

  • Duration: 5 months, 7 hours a week
  • Course: There are 6 courses in this entire specialization
  • Price: FREE

Things you will learn in Data analytics Course:

  • Introduction to Big Data
  • Big Data Modelling and Management Systems
  • Big Data Integration and Processing
  • Machine Learning with big data
  • Graph Analytics for Big Data
  • Big Data- Capstone Project

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  1. Data Analytics SQL For newbs, Beginners, and marketers: By Udemy

Udemy Online Data Analytics Course

Most high-level marketers and product managers at big tech companies know how to manipulate data to gain important insights. No longer do you have to wait around the entire day for some software engineers to answer your questions. Now you can find the answers directly, by yourself, using SQL!

In this online course for Data Analytics, we’ll start from the basics – installing SQL onto your Mac, Linux, or Windows machine and explaining what a relational database is. Next, you’ll look at basic tasks like creating tables and loading data into those tables. You will look at a wide variety of SQL commands and will show you how to speed things up using indexes.

Once you know all the SQL commands you will start doing advanced examples – answering questions marketers and business people often have, like where are customers dropping off in our sales funnel? And which of our locations has the highest revenue?

In the last section, we’ll do Advanced SQL queries on Spark, the big data framework that is the successor to MapReduce and also runs on top of Hadoop.

Data analytics Course Details:

  • Duration: 1.5 hours
  • Course: 29 lectures with full lifetime access
  • Price: INR 3,840 RS/-

Things you will learn in Data analytics Course:

  • How to import data into a table
  • How to query a table
  • How to insert into, update, and delete from a table
  • Speed things up using indexes
  • Join tables together to merge data
  • Aggregate data using count, sum, and average
  • Determine where in the sales funnel customers are being lost
  • Chart your year over year revenue
  • Group and sort sales by location

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  1. Advanced Business Analytics Specialization: By University of Colorado Boulder

University of Colorado Boulder Data Analytics Course

The Advanced Business Analytics Specialization brings together academic professionals and experienced practitioners to share real-world data analytics skills you can use to grow your business, increase profits, and create maximum value for your shareholders.

Learners gain practical skills in extracting and manipulating data using SQL code, executing statistical methods for descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analysis, and effectively interpreting and presenting analytic results.

The problems faced by decision-makers in today’s competitive business environment are complex. Achieve a clear competitive advantage by using data to explain the performance of a business, evaluate different courses of action, and employ a structured approach to business problem-solving. This course for data analytics is one of the Best Online Course for Data Analytics

Data analytics Course details:

  • Duration: 4 months, 7 hours a week
  • Course: There are 5 courses in this specialization
  • Price: FREE

Things you will learn in Data analytics Course:

  • Data Analytics Practices executed in the real world
  • Predictive Modeling and Analytics
  • Business Analytics For Decision Making
  • Communicating Business Analytics Research
  • Advanced Business Analytics Capstone

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So this completes our list of Top 8 online courses for Data Analytics. The biggest challenge is not taking difficult courses but taking the right courses for your interests and behavior will gain your skills in Data Analytics and will uplift your career by learning from these best 8 online courses.

After learning from these courses given above you will gain knowledge and skills which will take your career to the next level. So start enrolling these courses and don’t forget to share it without knowing the best application for sharing this article before knowing What is SHAREit? 

However, do Comment below which course has changed your career because it will help us to know more about you all and Thanks for Reading.

Darshan Jain
Darshan Jain

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