Finding out information about new stocks is not time consuming if you have the Best Stock Screener with you. The Best Free Stock Screeners offers all the investors the important data and provides efficient information to its users that can help them in trading.
So in this article I will help you to find out the best stock screeners that can be helpful for your trading. The criteria used in this ranking includes depth of filter criteria, selection of both fundamental and technical filters, ease of use, and extra functionality.
Best Stock and ETF Screeners 2020
- TradingView – Best Overall
- FINVIZ – Best Fundamental Screening
- TD Ameritrade – Best Real-time Stock Scanner
- Yahoo Finance – Basic and Simple
Trading View
Trading View site offers the best overall combination of quality data and ease of use, this is the reason why I give the first preference to this website. It is so simple and easy to use that I can easily swap between ETFs only or stocks only. This makes it different from other stock Screeners in the market. TradingView is my go-to site for free stock charts and free stock screening in 2020.
- Best Features for Stock and ETF Screeners
- Easy to Use
- Advance Filter Customization included for free
- Paid Subscriptions for Data exports and streaming real-time quotes
FINVIZ Stock Screeners comes on the 2nd Position on the List of Best Stock Screeners in 2020. It provides large selection of criteria, user-friendly interface, and overall functionality. FINVIZ provides both fundamental and technical data. Although, my favorite feature is the ability to be able to hover over any stock ticker to see a chart pop up instantly. Also on the downside, there is no filter option to view only ETF or stock results.
- Large selection of fundamental and technical criteria
- Easy to use
- Quick hover stock charts.
- No filter for only ETFs or only stocks
- Not very mobile-friendly.
- Advanced features like data exporting, customized filters, and backtesting locked behind FINVIZ ELITE paywall.
TD Ameridrate
TD Ameritrade stock screener comes on the 3rd position as it is a $0 online brooking website. It is mainly known for its thinkorswim trading platform which comes up with many other trading tools. For screening and scanning, I use the Stock Hacker tool. Like most other screeners, Stock Hacker is loaded with filter options. It’s the Best Stock Screener for Real-time Stock Information.
- Includes streaming real-time data
- Easy to use
- Full feature set and is built right into thinkorswim which means quick access to dozens of other trading tools.
- To download and use thinkorswim, you at least have to open an account (no minimum deposit).
Yahoo Finance
The Yahoo Finance stock screener is very basic, but what it lacks in its depth of technical and fundamental criteria to be filtered. Alongside ease of use, the free stock screener includes free streaming quotes, ESG data filters. Also, in addition to a traditional results list, results can be viewed as a heatmap.
- Easy to use
- Includes streaming quotes and ESG filters, heatmap view
- Notably small list of criteria available for screening
- “Rate of Return” and “Valuation” locked behind paywall
- No data exporting supported.
So this are the Best Stock Screeners List that I ranked according to their features and the ability to provide best information. Also these Stock Screeners are Free to use for limited purpose and Time. All these Stock Screeners will help all the Investers for gaining information abount the on going chnages in the Stock Market.
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