Borderlands 2 Weapon Codes [Complete Weapon Codes List]

Borderlands 2 Weapon Codes: [Complete Weapon Codes List]


Ever imagined how your friends got all the shiny weapons with cool customizations? Well, they may have leveled up quite a lot or may have simply used the Borderlands weapon codes which I am going to share with you. These Borderlands 2 weapon codes are not a simple plug and play. They require a special third party software that makes edit to your save game and gets you the weapons.

In this article, we are going to share a working Borderland 2 Weapon Codes that you can use in the game. These cheat codes will help you to play the game with more features and options. Go through all these and then use them.

Borderlands 2 Weapon Codes

1. Pistol Codes

borderlands 2 weapon codes for pistols
  1. Infinity 10.4 Firerate
    • BL2(h2/V3n+mGlXGeO8zxX8PVUyUhQuLayUPJYlikvHB65/Ell/prsQL)​
  2. Corrosive Infinity 10.4 Firerate 
    • BL2(h5QiV53rMvaq4vd55NURZZORv969Seh9yk4qeEjD2/wEtv4tVBmE)​
  3. Shock Infinity 10.4 Firerate 
    • BL2(hxAhZz5bfUSHmRN+LUJXVNTESbux319gygutw8ZkFEycqmA76T38)​
  4. Fire Infinity 10.4 Firerate 
    • BL2(h/fUO8e0BnEw3Ax/hxDuBhZkmxxN9Nf+E0EybfchIKw3uJS94WW1)

2. Shield Codes

borderlands 2 weapon codes for shield
  1. Max Amp Damage Bee Shield Corrosive Resistance ​
    • BL2(BzrpwwbOnWYTrd2zRZvCc5+ZepkS0q95+PoRncNU6Ilhzmg7uAA=)​
  2. Max Amp Damage Bee Shield Shock
    • Resistance BL2(B3uU2VhKSuMpHMBC0DX68rU7q34or8G30xc0BVtGNgUxasK7cnY=)​
  3. Max Amp Damage Bee Shield Fire
    • Resistance BL2(B18B7EVXug0YuBN6ZvxVg9zGd7TDY0oi6VjMDBfKUL8nj3V1QJw=)​
  4. Grounded Love Thumper w/ 39304 Roid Damage​
    • BL2(B2YpUsQ4TLlCtVC+irdro7cg6iKqcWY/AW9woHYK/TxOU8YzXmg=)​
  5. Maxed Effect Neogenerator ​
    • BL2(ByljCSzyGRlKcyAYwlIDLED1306CMjGUzjJTYyeUFRc5KcnLm44=)​
  6. Fabled Tortoise ​
    • BL2(B5RV2vkR7ysJhQXfl8v1nRLlvtqvzJp2ZBtfyYW/kw/XD2axxG8=)

3. Shotgun Codes

borderlands 2 weapon codes for shotguns
  1. Conference Call 5788×7 
    • BL2(h2b30V2CBKuvMvEvXrDkvKbZwIhp3DjftJpgU2XciuJX+tPx1/SL)​
  2. Corrosive Conference Call 5788×7
    • BL2(h9wrxtwOuWM6IfVJgeDdyeq0XG4OMqoLM1NWaN84BP72ZVu+xFxo)​
  3. Shock Conference Call 5788×7 
    • BL2(hzmkOWcUre7Aqt2wsYwpOMbMcXJFK80rY6VWeXCp3iu3cPiUo4sG)​
  4. Fire Conference Call 5788×7 
    • BL2(h8ZN6Nd0I95N5e+CTNT6H2KAOpnePMWxBqSkFQ/iJ9b46tUGbNwC)​
  5. Slag Conference Call 5788×7 
    • BL2(hyAT0W9K8vz2lHebjwWCLbYLEwvOH0UPE3qxlRSf0OuCEFScgxZi)

4. Relic Codes

borderlands 2 weapon codes for relic
  1. Best Sheriff’s Badge 
    • BL2(Bwn78CLBShj5njbmNSuvxZQD372ygtAXCCxlJVmUzLo=)
  2. Allegiance Relic – Bandit Damage +30% / Bandit Reload Speed +40%
    • BL2(B+AI+UHD9P1vFBfn7oCrDHfvohyoKdzsMXWDFLbvczc=)​
  3. Allegiance Relic – Bandit Damage +30% / Bandit Fire Rate +24% 
    • BL2(B9y4fy5whKkebE9Tl7Wqh95LyyjICU+VkKkn3tKSxho=)​
  4. Allegiance Relic – Dahl Recoil -53.5% / Dahl Magazine Size +70%
    • BL2(B7MsZEkU5QQSRUqZ9XZrlqYc8atfOVCgzONYs/UgOeY=)​
  5. Allegiance Relic – Dahl Recoil -53.5% / Dahl Burst Delay – 53.5%
    •  BL2(B+y8aQhRWW3Vsi5Ni+6Wz/wqSQV9hxyZpMJV/qw9JZc=)​
  6. Allegiance Relic – Hyperion Damage +30% / Hyperion Reload Speed +40%
    • BL2(ByZUSuXmZu3zDL5fLqOy0KnHNQtBpGMAx8TBkvtgZ1I=)​
  7. Allegiance Relic – Hyperion Damage +30% / Hyperion Max Accuracy +53.5%
    • BL2(B+gosX4f4XFtyzxufIkrj9RJcZu+pldxuFHJ6dxnc20=)​
  8. Allegiance Relic – Jakobs Recoil -53.5% / Jakobs Magazine Size +70%
    • BL2(B7wgvIwalMh6FhgXKGs8JSajGoFkEhsgyxtSZ+/4shM=)​
  9. Allegiance Relic – Jakobs Recoil -53.5% / Jakobs Acc. Recovery +100% 
    • BL2(BwVECx36yg62r79o14CaINOFlio0dYyB31Z7e3R7e44=)​
  10. Allegiance Relic – Maliwan Damage +30% / Maliwan Reload Speed +40%
    • BL2(B1TlsmiPCilR0J1VW2sBwtEZyHW0nzoUFl6r8R/cZmM=)​
  11. Allegiance Relic – Maliwan Damage +30% / Maliwan Fire Rate +24%
    • BL2(Bwn6V6WNYjgWEboPFCjgIbqet+pjtG0So6afJWbWVo4=)​
  12. Allegiance Relic – Tediore Damage +30% / Tediore Recoil -53.5%
    •  BL2(B4+KsUwg3V31otI5GVWH7JyzW9K145fdPQz7PrHrT4Q=)​
  13. Allegiance Relic – Tediore Damage +30% / Tediore Magazine Size +70%
    • BL2(B7HKK4vnSborSEaIRsfCbs8F2tIp0o+lviqy+R9QsqU=)​
  14. Allegiance Relic – Torgue Fire Rate +24% / Torgue Magazine Size +70%
    •  BL2(B15TXx0C47Ufw9mW4WkFjpSwOQnlXNX69+hI0cTUomI=)​
  15. Allegiance Relic – Torgue Fire Rate +24% / Torgue Acc. Recovery +100%
    •  BL2(B9utsUUuyntr/xIfm6vAt4L6h9zem/rWhEd3G8gGafA=)​
  16. Allegiance Relic – Vladof Damage +30% / Vladof Recoil -53.5%
    • BL2(BxKN+6x4ERiW0CZEH90hWFvjucUZYLOFkXgEojE7inM=)​
  17. Allegiance Relic – Vladof Damage +30% / Vladof Acc. Recovery +100%
    •  BL2(B3gvqgprtICUCbFUsaqcfKkbn9KI2tV46DZk7iEASzo=)
  18. Aggression Relic – Assault Rifle Damage – 30.0% 
    • ​BL2(B6BjTREH1JMZIFqmY/Wqp9PP1XxwtdIWrsdDz11Zbus=)​
  19. Aggression Relic – Launcher Damage +30% 
    • BL2(B0fyJ5OPAFcdIWjYBrN80plSPjifHyPzuw7c1jfJrSA=)​
  20. Aggression Relic – Pistol Damage +30% 
    • ​BL2(B5VpQsNIALELyvb72kfu6adq7q3phM3rdUMJEl+CGvk=)​
  21. Aggression Relic – Shotgun Damage +30% 
    • BL2(B76PERK4JO8J+b8PXfdByb8JFTQtdKXQOSzoqqo7mk8=)​
  22. Aggression Relic – SMG Damage +30% 
    • BL2(Bx12+PplgSlwdYw6U8tc4zN0TiB6C0pjE1tZfuN1Rmg=)​
  23. Aggression Relic – Sniper Rifle Damage +30%
    • ​BL2(B/+m5j7CUTa8uxjo8IzNKoYV0eopN2IbRdhlCIgqY1Q=)​
  24. Blood of Terramorphous – Health Regen/second +0.5%
    • BL2(B1I5GOPu+Zw1KFhO9Yt31DvCAZlTOTc94OCPCBnKvrc=)​
  25. Blood of the Seraphs – Max Health / Health Regen/second
    • BL2(ByfJzd85DQ7DHg8LLUMBAoYv+ODbZDnAtd8xEVQxC9o=)
  26. Elemental Relic – Corrosive Damage +30% 
    • BL2(B3lEXxgRhJ3UIxnQFnbjrKJnhuYjywaBnTS6sHmTgEE=)​
  27. Elemental Relic – Explosive Damage +30% 
    • BL2(B/DHLPEd6QPr+bji1PR6fG1R/2To17QV0vc7X7cUcPo=)​
  28. Elemental Relic – Fire Damage +30% 
    • BL2(Bzj92DpCvE5QSW6PfUVoQT7zd1SdCb/GQTQ9bo4kWOU=)​
  29. Elemental Relic – Shock Damage +30% 
    • BL2(B6JSwh4r/VZQXaBJRJil3VFzwnUKSQK8Q3wASD+Cd1Q=)​
  30. Elemental Relic – Slag Damage +30% 
    • BL2(B8ATVlV9kFt7Ub6ey6nMJQ0pt5ZLdqddjberICje96I=)
  31. Proficiency Relic – Cooldown Rate +35% 
    • BL2(B+Lq6TaLTx0hFzXQ9QNdPDl7+Kuwr/gwuZPsrhsTIuY=)
  32. Protection Relic – Shield Capacity +30% / Shield Recharge Rate +30%
    • BL2(B9VwTYghEVkhnIvcwHQPMhPo/frDh21ac0Mjv14y3XE=)
  33. Strength Relic – Melee Damage +30% / Override Cooldown Rate +30%
    •  BL2(B60OdnBLaY37U3ZA2bZdQu+cEg/rlehGhlXNP5BWAtk=)
  34. Tenacity Relic – FFYL Time +30% / Second Wind Health +151%
    • BL2(B2isf7Mpuis+NBJr6Y0wzkJChCKxuJF5LSDkk7KEdLE=)​
  35. Vault Hunter’s Relic– Rare Loot Drops +5%
    • BL2(Bxmpm5T6HMCZ7gMLEsnUMzzoJTpxYgPlNG12/FeLQy8=)
  36. Vitality Relic – Max Health +50%
    • BL2(BxxbUfsoQnPX7lUv1lkosgyoeVGmb8m6BkyOHH4qYls=)

5. Class Mods

borderlands 2 weapon codes for class mods
  1. Legendary Siren
    • BL2(B6SNQDZE9d0lVmy4snKHJr3R5cGS55e2g+hJZrB4Mf8/EdvB0Mc=)
  2. Legendary Assassin
    • BL2(B33KDJEYXlR5JYdBlKUqfTprbF6kGE+Eg2WbIMggxVpqEEXivtU=)​
  3. Legendary Gunzerker
    • BL2(BxSdWGGpxMOu/5t0CW7YjU8b8IRbRNKk/M1x6AvJFQIrn9IVoHg=)​
  4. Legendary Soldier
    • BL2(B+VlyqywrTP5IzslaERpns45Ur15es8r5I8a6WLtHr+HrKNBnnE=)​
  5. Legendary Mechromancer
    • ​BL2(BzdZNEhby3PrRLv1e4GnUInM6q749LR34TaI0E+Snm3nrSr2iTE=)
  6. Slayer of Terramorphous – Commando
    • BL2(B1cR5SluF+M8KCfylsRcnC+zfZenWFNmt1wtQSWUazjGUqParUs=)​
  7. Slayer of Terramorphous – Assassin
    • BL2(B+Ak0OcaFUIpnk3x+iFuitrdQa+gaw2ZKL0Op8DZhX3Wgd81piY=)
  8. Slayer of Terramorphous – Gunzerker
    • ​BL2(B2+9/OEpjUi6lJWNaNiDUQ8XW2zU2bmYYOWOn0Py0nFcKldyMCU=)
  9. Slayer of Terramorphous – Siren
    • BL2(B9+tqNoq1Yzci6Hs0ygd6qpbLu7r7xSThv0zXvCUd8/BS7syKwk=)​
  10. Slayer of Terramorphous – Mechromancer
    • BL2(B9WORBcefev3BsLAnpThC8YBhCNyk1JibMGZI7haP/JhJz4mcxI=)​

6. Sniper Rifle Codes

  1. 180% Critical Hit Skullsmasher
    • BL2(h3WuzAr60VwNpHPUoYZieWeoj+rN7UhIyJRXGskRqKpgeo6nwCDP)


This is the list complete list of Borderlands 2 weapon codes and all are working fine as we have checked and listed here. If you are facing any issue while using these Borderland cheat codes then comment below.

Frequently Asked Questions

The general opinion is that Borderlands 2 is indeed a very good game that has garnered widespread popularity among the gaming community.

  • If you only focus on the main story, it will take about 30 hours to complete.

  • The unique blend of FPS and RPG elements along with the procedurally-generated content is one of the things that make Borderlands 2 so popular. If you love these games, then you’ll also love the RPGs included on this list.

Darshan Jain
Darshan Jain

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